Harry Browne, Libertarian
  for President

Darren P. Madams (aka spyder) proudly presents...

The spyder's weB

That's right folks, the long-awaited, all-new, totally-redesigned weB is here!

I have moved to a new host [blacklight.net] owned by my good buddy Elmo. Thanks for the space!

Updated Items:
  • Updated more interesting & complete bio
  • New car pictures including the new F440!
  • Corrected & updated numerous links
  • Totally updated [stolen] graphics
Brand New Items:
  • My Calender & Schedule as current as possible
  • Small rapidly expanding autocross section
  • The "Why Silcon Sucks" Page until Mark's daddy tears it down
  • Darren's Quick-Check Movie Guide
I have made a commitment to you, my avid readers, to keep this page semi-current from now on! No more waiting 4 months for nothing! No more lame content! This page will finally be worth visiting. Enough with the hype... now on with the show...

5/15/98 - Now isn't that ironic. I've barely touched this page since then. Oh well, I'll get to it this summer I promise!

Master Table of Contents
About Me   My bio, life story, manifesto and calender
Cars & Racing   My cars -- pictures/info & My Autocross Pages
Movie Guide   How not to waste $7.50 at the theaters
Silcon Sucks   Flame your ISP! ISP selection tips, recommendations & who to avoid
OBLinks   The mandatory links page! Friends & others